Who can join? Members of the IUFC Facebook group. If you are not yet a member of the IUFC Facebook group, then you can join now. If you are interested to join the contest, please submit your complete name, email addres, phone# and album name that you created in the IUFC Facebook group to the IUFC Secretary - Ralph Sacayle (email address: rasac68@yahoo.com).
Where to upload the photos? Upload the photos to the album you will create under the IUFC Facebook group. The format of the album name is ZLeague1_{NAME}, where {NAME} is your last name + first name. For example if your name is Juan Cruz, then the album name is ZLeague1_CruzJuan.
Do you need to put a caption? You must provide a caption of each photo that includes at least the names of the two (2) opposing teams and the date the photo is taken, as shown in the example here.
BlackSheep FC defender Juan Cruz tackled Advocates FC striker John Smith during the elimination game on November 13, 2011 at 1:30pm in the Global Football Field, Iligan City.
How many photos can you upload? Unlimited, but must be in one album that you created under the IUFC Facebook group.
What camera can you use? You can use a DSLR or point-and-shoot camera.
What are the criteria for judging?
- The photo must be clear.
- Candid football action.
Who are the judges? The IUFC Central Committee (composed of IUFC President: Bing Lopuz, IUFC VP: Melvin Alum, IUFC Secretary: Ralph Sacayle, IUFC Treasurer: Mateo Oliveros, and IUFC Auditor: Exodus Calit)
When is the deadline to upload? You can upload anytime until 12 midnight Philippine time on the following Sunday after the championship game. For example, if the championship game is on December 18, 2011, then the deadline to upload is on December 25, 2011.
When is the winner declared? Two (2) Sundays after the championship game. For example, if the championship game is on December 18, 2011, then the winner will be declared on or before January 1, 2012.
How many winning photo? There will be only one winning photo to be declared. The decision of the IUFC Central Committee is final.
What is the prize? Cash for the sole winner.